Join Us

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We always welcome applications from enthusiastic and motivated undergraduate students, DPhil (PhD) candidates and postdoctoral researchers.  If you are interested in joining the group please contact Alice directly to discuss opportunities. 


Part II (Oxford MChem)
We welcome applications from Part II students and will offer 2-3 places for a 2024 start. A wide variety of projects are possible, varying in their balance between experimental work and modeling/data analysis. You are strongly encouraged to visit the group to meet the team, see the lab, and learn more about what we do. 

Ph.D. Positions
We aim to take 1-2 students per year for a DPhil. If you are interested in joining us for doctoral studies please send an email in the first instance with your CV and a note about why you would like to join us. Typically, potential candidates will then be invited to visit the group to discuss possible opportunities and the application process further.

Postdoctoral Researcher Associates/Postdoctoral Researchers
We welcome enquiries from prospective postdoctoral researchers who are interested in joining the group. Funded positions within the lab associated with particular projects are available periodically and will be advertised on the Oxford Chemistry website. There are also many opportunities to apply for independent postdoctoral fellowships hosted in the lab and we are happy to assist with applications for Junior Research Fellowships, Marie-Curie Fellowships, and others.